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Requirements Queen Conch


The Secretariat of Agriculture and Fisheries, is informing the community in general of the Department of San Andres, Providence, and Santa Catalina that, for the validity of the year 2019 and in response to Resolution Number 000475 of December 14, 2018 "by which global fishing quotas are established for fishery resources "(spiny lobster, fish and queen conch); some requirements have been established for the capture and commercialization of queen conch (strombus gigas), which guarantee its origin (traceability) priority for access to the local market.

It is necessary:

  1.  The cooperative which captures queen conch must requests a fishing license.
  2.  The only cay where the capture is allowed is in Serrana.
  3. The boats must register at the Infantry Battalion Unit on the cay.
  4. Once arrived at port, it is necessary that an official of the secretariat revise and certifies the origin of the catch.
  5. For its commercialization, it must have the inspection or capture certificate generated by the Secretariat of Agriculture and Fisheries.

In response to the resolution, the product can only be marketed and consumed in the Department using the certificate of the secretariat as authorization to sell. Failure to comply with the measures will lead to the confiscation of the product, temporary closure of the fishing store and fines to the people who capture, sell, and consume this product.

Therefore, it is important that the legal representatives of the different cooperatives, artisanal fishermen, restaurants, suppliers, hotels and the entire community in general take into account the following recommendations:

Recommendations for the capture:

· That the lip of the queen conch (see illustration) is thick and consistent, this will determine that the individual is likely to be mature.

· That the captured conch  has a weight of the meat with a finger of 250 gr

· That the captured conch has a clean meat weight of 100g and above

· That at least four conchs make one pound of weight.

· Have sailing clearance and all documentations (certificates issued by the secretariat of agriculture and fisheries) for the commercialization of the queen conch.

Recommendations for marketing and consumption:

· That the captured conch has a clean meat weight of 100g and above

· That at least four conch’s make-up one pound of weight.

· Require from the artisanal fisherman the certificate of inspection or capture issued by the Departmental Government

