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  • AMERICAS VACCINATION WEEK April 21 - 28 of 2018 “Reinforce your defense! Get vaccinated “Vaccines Work” We make it easy, get up-to-date!
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AMERICAS VACCINATION WEEK April 21 - 28 of 2018 “Reinforce your defense! Get vaccinated “Vaccines Work” We make it easy, get up-to-date!

Grand Vaccination Campaign begins for children under 6 years old:

- Saturday April 21 - 28 of 2018 Approach the Service Provider Institution where you receive health services, bring the vaccination card and ask about your child's vaccines.

Your children health depends on you.

Grand Vaccination Campaign for pregnant woman:

- Saturday April 21 - 28 of 2018. If you have more than 14 weeks of gestation, we have your Influenza Vaccine.

Protect yourself and your baby. Ask for it at the Service Provider Institution where you receive your health services.

Grand Vaccination Campaign for pregnant woman:

- Saturday April 21 - 28 of 2018. If you have more than 26 weeks of gestation, we have your vaccine against Diphtheria, Tetanus and Wooping cough (DTaP). Protect yourself and your baby.

Request it at the Service Provider Institution where you receive your health services.

All children who turned 1 year old as of July 1st, 2015 should receive their varicella vaccine, apply for it at the Service Provider Institution where you receive your health services or during the vaccination campaign; take advantage of this opportunity and complete the vaccination schedule for your child.

All girls from 9 years of age have the right to protect themselves against Cervical Cancer. Request the vaccine against the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) at the Service Provider Institution where you receive your health services.

The health of our daughters depends on you.

All children between 2 and 10 years of age, who have not received the Triple viral vaccine, should request it during the vaccination campaign starting on Saturday, April 21 - 28, 2018.




























What is sought with this Campaign?


1.    Intensify childhood vaccination in children from 0 to 5 years 11 months 29 days, in greater part during the entire month of April.

2.    Start, continue and complete the schemes and reinforcements of the vaccines, to children from 0 to 5 years 11 months 29 days during the whole month of April.

3.    Identify all children aged 6 to 10 who have not yet received their triple viral dose from five years and give them a dose of the vaccine.

4.    Reduce the risk of the presence of yellow fever, vaccinating against this disease to the entire susceptible population from 1 to 59 years, living in high-risk areas and especially all children under 8 years of age, who do not have a dose of this vaccine.

5.    Vaccinate the total population of 50 years and older, with a dose of influenza and other populations.

6.    Vaccinate the total number of women in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy with a dose of influenza.

7.    Comply with the new global commitments for the elimination of neonatal tetanus and the control of accidental tetanus.

8.    Vaccinate all pregnant women from week 26 of pregnancy, with a dose of Tdap vaccine.

9.    Vaccinate all Women of Fertile Age, pregnant and non-pregnant, with the dose of Td vaccine that corresponds to them, according to the vaccination history.

10.Have vaccine against the human papilloma virus, in all Service Provider Institution that offer the vaccination service with the authorized national scheme.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Neque similique, at excepturi adipisci repellat ut veritatis officia, saepe nemo soluta modi ducimus velit quam minus quis reiciendis culpa ullam quibusdam eveniet. Dolorum alias ducimus, ad, vitae delectus eligendi, possimus magni ipsam repudiandae iusto placeat repellat omnis veritatis adipisci aliquam hic ullam facere voluptatibus ratione laudantium perferendis quos ut. Beatae expedita, itaque assumenda libero voluptatem adipisci maiores voluptas accusantium, blanditiis saepe culpa laborum iusto maxime quae aperiam fugiat odit consequatur soluta hic. Sed quasi beatae quia repellendus, adipisci facilis ipsa vel, aperiam, consequatur eaque mollitia quaerat. Iusto fugit inventore eveniet velit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Neque similique, at excepturi adipisci repellat ut veritatis officia, saepe nemo soluta modi ducimus velit quam minus quis reiciendis culpa ullam quibusdam eveniet. Dolorum alias ducimus, ad, vitae delectus eligendi, possimus magni ipsam repudiandae iusto placeat repellat omnis veritatis adipisci aliquam hic ullam facere voluptatibus ratione laudantium perferendis quos ut. Beatae expedita, itaque assumenda libero voluptatem adipisci maiores voluptas accusantium, blanditiis saepe culpa laborum iusto maxime quae aperiam fugiat odit consequatur soluta hic. Sed quasi beatae quia repellendus, adipisci facilis ipsa vel, aperiam, consequatur eaque mollitia quaerat. Iusto fugit inventore eveniet velit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quam magnam accusamus obcaecati nisi eveniet quo veniam quibusdam veritatis autem accusantium doloribus nam mollitia maxime explicabo nemo quae aspernatur impedit cupiditate dicta molestias consectetur, sint reprehenderit maiores. Tempora, exercitationem, voluptate. Sapiente modi officiis nulla sed ullam, amet placeat, illum necessitatibus, eveniet dolorum et maiores earum tempora, quas iste perspiciatis quibusdam vero accusamus veritatis. Recusandae sunt, repellat incidunt impedit tempore iusto, nostrum eaque necessitatibus sint eos omnis! Beatae, itaque, in. Vel reiciendis consequatur saepe soluta itaque aliquam praesentium, neque tempora. Voluptatibus sit, totam rerum quo ex nemo pariatur tempora voluptatem est repudiandae iusto, architecto perferendis sequi, asperiores dolores doloremque odit. Libero, ipsum fuga repellat quae numquam cumque nobis ipsa voluptates pariatur, a rerum aspernatur aliquid maxime magnam vero dolorum omnis neque fugit laboriosam eveniet veniam explicabo, similique reprehenderit at. Iusto totam vitae blanditiis. Culpa, earum modi rerum velit voluptatum voluptatibus debitis, architecto aperiam vero tempora ratione sint ullam voluptas non! Odit sequi ipsa, voluptatem ratione illo ullam quaerat qui, vel dolorum eligendi similique inventore quisquam perferendis reprehenderit quos officia! Maxime aliquam, soluta reiciendis beatae quisquam. Alias porro facilis obcaecati et id, corporis accusamus? Ab porro fuga consequatur quisquam illo quae quas tenetur.