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The Technical Group of Articulation and Coordination with the Territorial Entities of Health of Foods and Beverages of the National Institute for Medicine and Food Surveillance "INVIMA" and the Inspection, Surveillance and Sanitary Control of Foods and Beverages Program of the Secretariat of Health, in order to ensure the safety and quality of food and drinks marketed in the Archipelago has scheduled a training session on General Food and Beverage Labeling directed at importers, manufacturers, distributors and marketers of food and beverages in the insular territory.

It is to note, that this Conference will be held in the following manner:




May 22, 2019

8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

Governmental General Archive – Former Jail – Shingle Hill

We hope to count with your participation in this event, which is of vital importance for compliance with the sanitary requirements regarding labeling of foods and beverages marketed by your establishment that are subject to inspection, surveillance and control by the Secretariat of Health.

For more information, contact the following telephone numbers: 513-0801 Ext. 245


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The Institutional Legal Support Group of the Legal Advisory Office of the National Institute for Surveillance of Medicines and Foods "INVIMA" in coordination with the Departmental Government of the Archipelago of San Andres, Providence and Santa Catalina, makes the request for participation in the training session on safety and Quality of Alcoholic Beverages Imported and Commercialized, for May 20, 2019 at 10:30 a.m. on Requirements for the importation and commercialization of Alcoholic Beverages in the Archipelago of San Andres, directed at Customs Agents and Importers of liquors of the insular territory. This event will take place at the meeting Room of the Local Government office located on the second floor of the principal building.

It is to note, that this Conference will be held in the following manner:




May 20, 2019

10:30 a.m.

Local Government Auditorium

It is important to reiterate the importance of your participation to avoid setbacks in their activities of importation and commercialization in the territory for not complying with the requirements demanded by the Health Authority.

For more information, contact the following telephone numbers: 513-0801 Ext. 245


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· Government Secretary, Romulo Areiza Taylor, made a balance of the work his secretariat has been doing since 2018 to guarantee citizen coexistence on the island.

 "The Government Secretariat has been carrying out overwhelming actions to recover the issue of citizen coexistence, defined in Law 1801 of 2016."

With this, the Secretary of Government, Romulo Areiza Taylor, refers to the work that, from November 2018, his office will implement to ensure the safety of the inhabitants of the island of San Andres. One of the most important points of his action focuses on social work with young people; an initiative that is carried out in conjunction with the Family Welfare Agency, seven days a week, starting at 10:00 p.m. until 3:00 in the morning at the busiest areas of the Island.

"We are doing work with young people who are not with their parents, even those who are with their parents must return to their homes. If the youths are alone on the streets, they are returned to their homes in company of the Family Welfare Agency and the Childhood and Adolescence Police, where they are read their rights, they talk to their parents and, if applicable, they are given a fine,"said the secretary.

With regard to urban control, Areiza Taylor spoke of the various operations that are carried out.

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*On Friday, Mat 17

With the objective of building an Archipelago free of discrimination based on sexual orientation and diverse gender identity, the Secretariat of Social Development will commemorate the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia.

The argument for choosing this day internationally is that it was on May 17, 1990 when the World Health Organization (WHO) eliminated homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses.

The most insidious expressions of homophobia, transphobia and biphobia are those that manifest in all aspects of daily life, in the workplace and family; through jokes, caricatures, and a use of language that represents sexual minorities as illegitimate, all of which is an indicator of a broad cultural construction and of structural discrimination, often institutionalized, very difficult to visualize, and fight.

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· La dependencia invita a toda la comunidad a participar este miércoles 15 de mayo en el Día de No Redes.

Con un mensaje encaminado a la reconstrucción de la familia y el tejido social, la Gobernación Departamental, a través de la Secretaría de Desarrollo Social conmemorará este miércoles 15 de mayo el Día Internacional de la Familia. 

La conmemoración da la oportunidad de reconocer, identificar y analizar cuestiones sociales, económicas y demográficas que afectan su desenvolvimiento y evolución. Del mismo modo, se busca sensibilizar, concienciar, llamar la atención, señalar que existe un problema sin resolver, un asunto importante y pendiente en las sociedades para que, a través del trabajo conjunto, la comunidad tome medidas y proteja a su núcleo familiar.

Vamos a iniciar este trabajo con la construcción de una Política Pública de Familia y la construcción también de nuestro Observatorio de Familia. Esto consiste en el trabajo de Gobierno con la comunidad para que podamos construir todas las líneas de acción para establecer estrategias que nos permitan encontrar una solución a las problemáticas de familia que se presentan en el archipiélago”, explicó la secretaria de Desarrollo Social, Iracema Taylor.

Para rememorar la fecha, este miércoles 15 de mayo se invita a la comunidad a participar en el Día de No Redes, con el que se busca que, por unas horas, las personas se desconecten de las redes sociales, mensajería instantánea y demás distractores, para compartir tiempo de calidad con la familia.

Vamos a lanzar la campaña para que dejemos a un lado el celular y compartamos un poco con la familia. Que todos se pregunten cómo les fue, qué pueden hacer como familia, qué hay para el día, hacer un plan para el fin de semana y demás actividades que nos unan como familia”, agregó la funcionaria.

Cabe destacar que la Organización Mundial de la Salud eligió esta fecha para conmemorar los valores de la institución familiar.

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Work Agenda in Bogota


* Another topic touched during the various meetings held by the Governor in charge has to do with the Bolivariano and Cemed educational institutions.

*21 projects were verified, which can be executed by Findeter, with the objective of generating development and competitiveness in the Department.

Connections, strengthening of bilateralism, provision of services and commercial issues that from San Andres can be offered to the countries of Central America and the Caribbean islands, among other topics were treated by the Departmental Governor in charge, Juan Francisco Herrera Leal, during a visit carried out at the Chancellery. According to the governor, this meeting left important agreements that will be implemented during the course of this administration.

"This was received in a very interesting manner, to the point that a timetable has already been started in order for a group arranged by the Foreign Ministry to visit the island and generate a road map to continue with that process,"said Herrera Leal

Another point touched during various meetings held by the Governor, has to do with the Bolivariano School. During his stay in the capital of the country, the leader held a meeting with officials of the Association of Special Assets to clarify certain points with respect to the newly delivered Bolivariano School.

"In SAE we continue verifying the topics of the Bolivariano School to close that process and have the points that are needed. We hope that by the end of September the contracts of both Bolivariano and Cemed can be liquidated,"added Herrera Leal.

Finally, the governor's agenda ended with a meeting with delegates from Findeter, where 21 projects that could be executed by the entity were verified, with the purpose of generating development and competitiveness in the Department.

"This is a very important job because it will solve many of the problems that within the development plan were accumulated and will contribute to welfare topics, sports venues, kiosks for the provision of gastronomic services and other complementary projects. The idea is that they are executed and we can achieve, first a significant advance in budget execution and second, projects that will offer great results to the development plan,"concluded the Governor (e).


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Neque similique, at excepturi adipisci repellat ut veritatis officia, saepe nemo soluta modi ducimus velit quam minus quis reiciendis culpa ullam quibusdam eveniet. Dolorum alias ducimus, ad, vitae delectus eligendi, possimus magni ipsam repudiandae iusto placeat repellat omnis veritatis adipisci aliquam hic ullam facere voluptatibus ratione laudantium perferendis quos ut. Beatae expedita, itaque assumenda libero voluptatem adipisci maiores voluptas accusantium, blanditiis saepe culpa laborum iusto maxime quae aperiam fugiat odit consequatur soluta hic. Sed quasi beatae quia repellendus, adipisci facilis ipsa vel, aperiam, consequatur eaque mollitia quaerat. Iusto fugit inventore eveniet velit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Neque similique, at excepturi adipisci repellat ut veritatis officia, saepe nemo soluta modi ducimus velit quam minus quis reiciendis culpa ullam quibusdam eveniet. Dolorum alias ducimus, ad, vitae delectus eligendi, possimus magni ipsam repudiandae iusto placeat repellat omnis veritatis adipisci aliquam hic ullam facere voluptatibus ratione laudantium perferendis quos ut. Beatae expedita, itaque assumenda libero voluptatem adipisci maiores voluptas accusantium, blanditiis saepe culpa laborum iusto maxime quae aperiam fugiat odit consequatur soluta hic. Sed quasi beatae quia repellendus, adipisci facilis ipsa vel, aperiam, consequatur eaque mollitia quaerat. Iusto fugit inventore eveniet velit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quam magnam accusamus obcaecati nisi eveniet quo veniam quibusdam veritatis autem accusantium doloribus nam mollitia maxime explicabo nemo quae aspernatur impedit cupiditate dicta molestias consectetur, sint reprehenderit maiores. Tempora, exercitationem, voluptate. Sapiente modi officiis nulla sed ullam, amet placeat, illum necessitatibus, eveniet dolorum et maiores earum tempora, quas iste perspiciatis quibusdam vero accusamus veritatis. Recusandae sunt, repellat incidunt impedit tempore iusto, nostrum eaque necessitatibus sint eos omnis! Beatae, itaque, in. Vel reiciendis consequatur saepe soluta itaque aliquam praesentium, neque tempora. Voluptatibus sit, totam rerum quo ex nemo pariatur tempora voluptatem est repudiandae iusto, architecto perferendis sequi, asperiores dolores doloremque odit. Libero, ipsum fuga repellat quae numquam cumque nobis ipsa voluptates pariatur, a rerum aspernatur aliquid maxime magnam vero dolorum omnis neque fugit laboriosam eveniet veniam explicabo, similique reprehenderit at. Iusto totam vitae blanditiis. Culpa, earum modi rerum velit voluptatum voluptatibus debitis, architecto aperiam vero tempora ratione sint ullam voluptas non! Odit sequi ipsa, voluptatem ratione illo ullam quaerat qui, vel dolorum eligendi similique inventore quisquam perferendis reprehenderit quos officia! Maxime aliquam, soluta reiciendis beatae quisquam. Alias porro facilis obcaecati et id, corporis accusamus? Ab porro fuga consequatur quisquam illo quae quas tenetur.